Now I've expressed my love of box lots. Luckily, this particular auctioneer (Wears Auctioneering) does the box lots first thing. I had planned on staying for those. Then, and after the first hour I would leave to leave to take him to the diamond. I returned to the auction and I bid on a few items but nothing I couldn't live without. So, it's several hours later and I'm still empty-handed.
After baseball practice I return to the auction (son in tow.) They are close enough to finishing that I make him stay while I wait to bid on a few items. Five hours into the auction I score my first item. FINALLY! Normally I would have left long ago. However, with baseball season looming I know my auction jaunts will few. So, my big purchase? This basket purse. A short while later, I end up with a flat of linens. I was happy to finally get something and something I had more than a slight interest in.
I will try and get those linens clean and post them soon. It's going to be a job! There is rust on my favorite! Wish me luck!