I could (and did) write a really long post and the trials and tribulations of this auction. The dealers from hours away, the long wait I endured until they got to the items I was interested in, the bidding wars I lost. I'll spare you the long and sorted details and get to the heart of it. I came home with a car-load of stuff! It was the Christmas motherload! Despite the dealers from far and wide I got these boxes on the cheap! I was on cloud nine!
Here's what my kitchen center-island looked like when I unloaded.
Sunday morning it came time to sort. I sorted and sorted. It became mind-boggling the amount of stuff! I had to take a break and clear my mind! Monday the sorting resumed. Garage sale piles, Ebay piles, keep piles. Decisions, decisions. I've tried to make this post as neat as possible, so you are probably only seeing about a third of it. I may break it up into a couple posts, too. However, this is the bulk of it.
Trees of all sorts. I counted 37, I think.
Knee-huggers. All sizes and types.
Glass Garland. Some still in the package. Wow!
Tinsel garland. Some old, some not.
Would you call these icicles or some sort?
A super assortment. The figural vase was in one of the first boxes I bought. When I won the lot at a great price I thought it could be the beginning of a wonderful day.
Picks, bells and all kinds of crafty goodness!
Trims of all sorts!
Amazing, isn't it? I wish I could say that a full week later all this stuff is neatly sorted, priced and packed but it's not. It simply migrated to the basement, piled along the walls in boxes, bags and flats. This will be a big job for some time to come!