Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentine's For Rednesday

Here is it, another Wednesday another Rednesday, the only day I seem to post anymore! Thank you Sue for giving me a reason to get something on my blog! Make sure to head over to It's a Very Cherry World and see ALL the red loveliness!

I decided it was time to share my vintage Valentine's. I don't have that many, really. I try to buy what a really like. Now if I happened upon a lot of them at a good price, I'd snap them all up, but that hasn't happened yet.The first two are baseball themed. I love all things baseball, so I would probably buy any baseball related Valentine's. These two guys are lonely!
The next one is my absolute FAVORITE! I bought it last year off Etsy. When my husband played baseball the scout that signed him used to call him G-man. A spin-off of our name. Now that my son is playing baseball his nickname has become G-man. It's a pretty good nickname for a baseball, "Get a hit G-man!" So, I about flipped when I saw this one for sale.I love how his jacket pulls back to reveal his heart! So cute!
The last thing I'll share is the quilt I have on my front door. Like the pillow I shared last week, I change this out with the seasons. A girls has to have many places to display her quilts! I even have them in the bathrooms! I have one more Red Heart quilt to share, but I'll save that for next week!

BTW- The quilt is on my floor because I could not get a decent picture of it on the door! Too bad, my door is red, too!
Have a great Rednesday!


  1. Love all of your valentines! I'm so lucky to have a friend who has a ton of her family's old valentines, and she's given me alot of them, so I've never bought any. Yet!
    That quilt is reeeeally cute, and I wish I could have seen it hanging on your door. That's another thing that I love. Red doors!
    Happy REDnesday!

  2. Hi Shelley! LOVE your quilt!!.. And your valentines are the sweetest! How lucky it was to come across that G-man card!! Happy Rednesday, and it's nice to meet you! ~tina

  3. Those baseball valentine's day cards are too cute, Shelley! So is your pretty quilt. Love it!


  4. Oh, that G-man card is priceless! You should frame it to protect it!

  5. Never had any vintage Valentines...unless you can count my hubby!
    Love that quilt, it's fabulous!!
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  6. I'm the same with you on valentines - don't have too many, but I love the ones I have. I really like how you have a theme with yours, and one that's so close to your heart!

  7. Hello, your blog is so cute!!! You have very lovely Items.

  8. I love the vintage valentines!The quilt is fantastic!

  9. The vintage valentines are so cool! G-man, wow what a surprise to find that and I love the little heart under his shirt. awwww! Is the quilt a buggy barn pattern?
