Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lots of Valentines...Probably Too Many!

No big secret why I haven't been posting.  I simply haven't felt like it.  The winter is wearing me down.  I suspect all of you feel the same way.  I think it unusual for the entire country to be receiving so much cold and snow!  Please, please, spring...come quick!  I will say, a bright spot for me is my Valentine's Day decor.  I don't have the most Valentine's Day items, but I do like to share because of the ideas that are sparked from fellow bloggers.  Maybe I can provide a few ideas of my own.

I always start by decorating the Hoosier.  It provides so many spaces to display things.

 I love piling the Valentines onto this snack bag rack.  I picked it up at garage sale a couple years back.  Why didn't I buy all of them...I left two behind!  Dumb, dumb, dumb!  Anyway, the wide base of the rack tucks nicely under the Hoosier top and the front is hidden under this Griffith's spice rack.  (See it peeking out on the one corner?)  These are most of my anthropomorphic "kitchen item" Valentines.

On the inside of the doors I have lots of bird Valentines.  I used a wide ribbon draped over the door.  It's secured with a dressmakers pin on top, to prevent any shifting.

I hang the Valentines to the ribbon with a simple vintage button tied to a paper clip.

This one reminds me of Kenna.  It looks nothing like her, but as a very young child she was a very picky eater.  The one thing she would eat?  Pasta with butter and salt!

Here's the side board just outside my kitchen.  More Valentines, candy boxes and the like. 

Most of the cards here have a sentiment meaning to me.  These two mention a "G" man.  That was Mark's (and later Jake's) nickname, in their baseball playing days.  I would love to find at least one more of these...three makes a collection, right?

These adorable little switch board operators are a tribute to my great-aunt.  She was a real switch board operator in the day.  The day they closed the office she worked in, they gave her the switchboard she used.  It was in her house until the day she died.  As children we had lots of fun playing with it!

All my baseball Valentines.  We are a baseball lovin' family!  Although it's a bittersweet reminder of Mark's professional playing days and Jake giving up baseball his senior year, in favor of golf.  I think I'll finally be able to travel with Mark and see a few games this year.

Are you still hangin' on?  This is a picture heavy post!

My mantle.  What a surprise...more Valentines.  This is where most of my anthropomorphic vegetables reside!  I have lots of corn ones...being from Iowa, it only makes sense.  If you'd like to see a close-up of my love banner.  I posted about it HERE.

I love buying hankies, but I never use them for anything!  I thought this was a decent solution for displaying the few heart-themed ones I have.

The white heart and pink lady are additions from last years garage sales.  I believe the heart vase is Relpo.  Girlie is a musical wind-up from Lefton.

And last, but certainly not least, my precious babies in silhouette.  Except now Jake is 19 and Kenna is 16!  Makes me more than a little sad!

So, if you stuck it out...give yourself a pat on the back!  I'll give myself one, too!  Along with a kick in the post more!

I am linking up to Rednesday over a Melody's blog.  I'm late, I know.  So, I don't expect a lot of visitors, but at least I accomplished my task!  I hope you have a wonderful week and thanks so much for stopping by today!

1 comment:

  1. You have some beautiful Valentine items - who doesn't love the old Valentines, they're just so cute!
